Wado/Thank you for viewing! Hope you enjoy my work and the stories/meanings that come with them! Just click the "More" button for descriptions and close ups!

Unsightly Journey's

2024 | Illustration

The Last Prayer

2024 | illustration
Comic concept

native ways forgotten

2019 | Maidu Museum Roseville | The Heard Museum Guild Of American Indian Student Art Show And Sale (Judges Choice ward, Chair's Award Division 2)


2020 | Crocker Art Museum

deer fire

2019 | Illustration
Shingle Springs Band Of Miwok Indians


2019 | Illustration
Art's and Culture Gallery (2021)

over cross

2023 | illustration
Comic concept

medicine dancer

2021 | Illustration

moonlight singer

2020 | Illustartion

moonlit dancer

2021 | Illustration


2022 | Illustration
Story Concept


2018-2019 | Illustration
Mourning Gift

painted spirits

2022 | Illustration


2022 | Illustration
Comic Concept


2021 | Illustration

toltec nations

2019 | Illustration
Blue Line Art gallery


2018 | Illustration
2018 New Mexico Film Festival

unsightly journeys

Sometimes the person we can't blame is the torture that dwells a deep hole in our mind, body and soul.
Eventually when we realise we cannot hate the person, The physiological arrow slowly points at ourselves and the endeavors we experience.
Life lessons can be a bitter everlasting taste in one's mouth.
We become the gatekeeper of what we believe is right and wrong, Punishing those who introduce an unfamiliar mindset or belief system we find unacceptable. We then Begin to categorize what we think should and shouldn't be, look, behave, accept, deny and share.We slowly close our minds, Shut down others experiences and begin to let out roots and heritage become to Rot from our hearts and spirituality. Opinions and society Start to tip the scales on our judgment until we lose our own compass that guides our own individual roads until its a busy highway that causes us all to collide.Who do we blame in the end?
Is there even anything or anyone to blame?
Or maybe if we stopped looking for a source to point fingers at, We then can focus on working on ourselves and healing the others around us without entrapment.
Labels and categories separate us from remembering who we are, what we are and what our purpose is.
Whether you believe your purpose is from the great mother, The Creator, Writing our own fate or just and unknown higher power.
Many of us carry the burden of our ancestors, Our Heritage, Our experiences and the hardships that come with it. Closing off those who remind us of what we blocked out long ago, And as philosophical as it sounds; I believe it shows how different and indifferent we are from one another. Living in a result of what the world thinks we should be, What we should look like, what we should fear or idolize.
Deer Fire is a form of loss, Self hate, grief, mourning, healing and acceptance.
He carries the countless loss of his people and the injustice of his grief. He refuses to talk to the other beings, spirits or two leggeds due to his disbelief in the forms of hurt on the great mother. He doesn't believe in crossing over until this has stopped.
In this piece, He has shed his antler for the first time since his formation into the being he's necomr snd he is overcome with grief. The Antlers on his head represent who he was in life and the people he led, and how in the end he is all thats left.
Four spirits follow him constantly that try to encourage him to crossover, but justice runs to thick in his body.
During his overwhelming grief two bright yellow entities cross his path and he refuses to acknowledge their presence, But the little two legged spirit asks him if he would listen to her story about her people before she crossed and if he could rest for a short while to regather themselves.Painstakingly, he allows the spirit to tell the story of her people and the hardships they experienced from the foreigner two leggeds and what they call the trail of tears. In detail the spirit explained what happened, Finally getting a response from Deer Fire.
"How did you mourn?"
He asked.
The spirit responded,
"I still am."
Deer Fire then stood up and prepared to continue his journey, And gestured the spirits to follow him.
"The Great mother mourns the loss of herself, And carries the grief of all of us."
The small spirit stated, But then held Deer Fire's hand and began to lead the way.
"We all crossover together one way or another, Our people have walked the same land in both worlds for generations. That is because we are all related."
And their journey continued.
Deer Fire is a concept that makes people uncomfortable to look at or acknowledge his meaning. He's resembled with other spirits and only seen as that, which is fair because people have that right to have a closed mind or unique opinion.
I don't see myself "As the creator of Deer Fire."
Or any of the beings I draw for that matter, every single one I've ever drawn was seen in dreams and Nightmares and I feel obligated as an artist to share what I'm shown no matter the way people see my work.
It's an honor to participate alongside so many incredible indigenous artists over the years who have supported my work and what I do, And if I've learned anything over my walk on this earth it's that our indifferences and similarities are what create us and destroy us.
The beauty of doing art publicly and learning so much from other tribes I didn't grow up learning their traditions is that in the end we all fight rhe same battle and there is no differences between us.
We as Indigenous people carry a heavy burden and responsibility to continue our traditions and to keep alive what was once thrown to the wayside in the name of the government and "what's right and wrong" from their opinions.I may not look the way others would perceive a "Rebel Indigenous artist who's trying to fight for whats right" But that isn't worth me standing down because of others lack of consideration.Obviously what I do cherish is other Indigenous people's opinions on me or my work because I want to respect everyone equally and I have much to learn still in my lifetime and I was only raised in the tribes I descend in, But also because of that it made these experiences even more remarkable and "enlightening" because everyday I'm still learning something new within the people I came from.As a non California Indigenous person, I want to honor this land and it's people the best I can as I've lived in California my entire life and I absolutely love this land. It's my home and it's been cherished by its caretakers for generations, It's important to me I stage this from time to time In hope that non Indigenous people who do come across my page will be encouraged to learn more about our first nation's and the people of this land and maybe even help support what we are trying to keep sacred.These fires recurring have genuinely spiked up that same grief and weight since I first ever drew Deer Fire and it reminds me the responsibility never goes away. We all have wildfires in ourselves that we inflame and put out everyday. But its different when our great mother and her creatures are genuinely burning and the loss the people carry within this.To some it's just news on their phones or television and to others that's their entire reality, And being someone who knows people who are going through these fires alone and seeing the animals suffer alongside them it gives me a heavy heartache and strive to do more or try to educate as often as I can even as a smaller artist.I've been very grateful for the people who have never judged me for the way I look or questioned me as an indigenous artist and treated me equally as them when they didn't have to, and I hope to always do the same whether it's online or in person.This life is sacred and should be treated as such.

the last prayer

As the tides have changed course, land has reverted back and beings turn on one another....the ones below took the largest blow.
The smoke keeper, One of the last upper beings to maintain his road in life was distraught without his brothers guidance or even support for that matter.
Despite keeping a level head the infection grew upon his body slowing him down as the people followed their giant keeper in fear.
"The Creator will know what to do!"
The people shouted as they did their best to aid the giant being.
Despite only being feet away, He fell to his knees in pain and losing mobility but the catastrophe followed behind them like tyrant eating all in its way.
The smoke keepers Brothers and the highest being stood infront of him, looking down at the despair before them.
He raised his hand and begged them for assistance, Not for him but for his people below.
"Mitakuye Oyasin my siblings. I'm here today on my last whim, But the spirits behind do not slow in pace. They're eating the land, they are taking everything where they go. My people, They have no protection. They have no coverage. Please, as a last plea before I fall to my fate I ask of you all to protect my people. They have no wrong the great mother nor the spirits and do not deserve to fall within the plumage."
He spoke deeply, As the people below cried and prayed.
One of the Brothers stepped forward sternly, arms crossed almost unamused.
"Brother, when this all began we all agreed it would be best to leave the two leggeds to their demise as we are higher beings and have responsibilities. You..., You stayed behind with that village and left your duties for us to handle ourselves. You expect us to help you now because you couldn't do it on your own?"
He responded coldly, His voice echoed throughout the land that was left untouched thus far.
The sick keeper knew he didn't have much time left before the infection spread entirely as his reached for his wares and gave everything he had to his siblings.
"I'm sorry I hurt you my siblings. Deeply I feel remorse but it was my own responsibility to watch over my people, I give you all that I have so that you can cherish it as I did as I walked this great mother. I will offer you whatever you need or want to protect these two leggeds from the storm."
He explained.
His brothers were understanding, but that did not make them any less cruel in dire situations. Even to the brother who has offered the most of himself than the rest of his siblings.
"Will you sacrifice anything?"
The eldest asked harshly.
The keeper on his knees reached for his brothers hands with the strength he had left
"I will crossover to our creator if that is what you're requesting of me, Brother."
He said calmly.
All who stood before him silently agreed and looked at him as they backed away
"Since it is the great mother and your two leggeds you desire to cherish so much, then you can be the one who protects them for all the generations to come. You will watch the land as it rots and regrows until the mother decides she will return to the spirit world one day."
They responded in sync.
And just like that, the spread of the spirits had reached them and the natural disaster of the world began to eat his body like a wave as his shielded the people the best of his ability and reached to the creator as a last stance.
Since then, thousands of years had past and generations of that village have lived upon the Great Smoke Keeper and they refer to this story as the last prayer.
He and his body has become the home and haven of the people, and as he promised he alone has protected them all this time.

native ways forgotten



Heya! my name is Devaney Rain Royalty and I am a 19 year old self taught freelance artist! born and raised in Sacramento California. I am Ponca/Cree/Tsalagi (Cherokee) The Deer Clan. I was raised the Beauty Way and follow the Red Road as well as the Teachings of the Medicine Wheel. My Piece here is "Nocturnal", Sacramento has always been my hometown and my entire life really, I couldn't imagine myself in a different place.
I grew up going to the Sacramento Powwow every year on Broadway and visiting SNAC ( Sacramento Native American Health Center ). And our Local CO-OP. This piece represents my experiences and life in Sacramento and what it means to me, when I was little I'd have to ride the light rail and I used to look out the window and draw, ALOT. The People 'camping' on the train represent the spirits around Sacramento and how I believe they looked out for my mom and I during the really hard times. if you live Downtown, you know at a certain time everyday a Group of Crows and Ravens will fly into a certain area and begin to caw for hours and its Amazing. I always imagined them flying in and out of the spirit world seeing the things I don't see. What I added to this piece is something from every drawing I've done for a gallery or event because each one was such an important part of my life and I couldn't be here without them. The water and baskets represent the Baskets that were sacrificed into the streams in California during the gold rush and to represent how far we've come despite the mistreating's and Genocides we've had to overcome these past generations. This is probably the most personal piece I've drawn and It reminds me how grateful I am for living in Sacramento and for growing up on this Land and for its Rightful People who have taken care of it for Centuries.
WAH-DOH/Thank you!

deer fire

Despite the importance of real burns & forest fires, I wanted to draw something that takes that same sacredness into everyday life.
We As indigenous peoples honor the importance of fire, it's not seen as disastrous or chaos bringer only in certain scenarios when it's caused with the intention of harm by two legged's.
Controlled fires are used to maintain overgrown brush, and dangerous plants to keep the ecosystem healthy and consistent.
Indigenous peoples use fire to light our medicine to send our prayers to the spirits and Creator, sometimes to burn our worries and losses.
Fires can also be very devastating yet it reminds us of a balance and how it can take what's given, it keeps us grateful for what we have and for the good things get to come. Fire carries its own burdens and grief, then evaporates it all into the sky for the universe to take.
Everything is temporary and change is a constant wheel that turns in four directions.
The fire spirits in this drawing look like deer to represent the compassion fire has for the ecosystem and its creatures, because after the burn comes new life and a new start. The Ina Sunflower Kachina represents us as Indigenous People, as cliché as it sounds I like to say we go through our own wildfires in everyday life.
We get burned, and we heal afterwards with emotional scars that braid us as human beings and makes us who we are. Sometimes we set our own priorities on fire to keep other people warm and don't regard our own feelings or health.
Whatever the case is,
Sacred Fires is my representation on how we treat ourselves, each other, all Living Creatures and Mother Earth.





medicine dancer

He who walks alongside the spirits of our ancestors who once roamed these plains for thousands of years, he sees the world as it was before and what it is now.
As he dances, he brings the tides to cleanse the rocks and soil and to speak to the layers and layers of mother earth to listen to the songs and prayers the people used to sing at the very sacred place.
He mimics the birds and plant people to blend inside of the environment. once grandmother moon rises and lifts the tides herself, he fades into the stars until the next morning.

moonlight singer


moonlit dancer

As she wondered through the valleys to listened to mother earth sing, her petals flourished around the landscape as they engulfed their roots to steady themselves from the environments rapid changes.Iris, could not see like others could. Her movements were based from feelings, vibrations and guidance. She listened closely to the beings around her, she did not speak like others did. She would almost click or squeak like a bat, that was until she would mimic the music she heard from the ground up.When she'd sing under the moonlight, she'd begin to not see but feel the images around her as she gazed into the distance. The engraved paintings on her petals would emerge into her imagination as she watched them dance into the empty black sky, she could only see in four colors of which were Red,Black,White & Yellow. The colors of her world, the colors of Mother Earth, The Plant People, The Creature Teachers, The Two leggeds and all living creatures.



Nisl blandit

A illustration honoring my love for Dia De Los Muertos.I don't share this description due to it being a piece i was commisioned for a loved one of theirs who passed. But i was asked to share the image in their honor.

painted spirits



Headdress is a being i continuously dreamt about and shortly after he inspired a comic that i will be working on at some point.He's a traveling being who helps people's pets crossover, But he's a introvert who is just about never seen.That is until he's spotted by a group of children who think he is wearing a sick costume or regalia in a reservation on Halloween...


Forgiveness was a piece i was worked on that was almost named "Punishing The Unknown".
We as indigenous people believe you are not punished for what you do not know, But this illustration was also an interpretation for other's who punish for what they do not understand. I believe Deer Fire was a great example of this due to people's assumptions on what he is because of the way he looks, And if you think he's the spirit that starts with a "W" and you didn't know this; But he is not. Deer fire looks the way he does because he did not cross over fully, He is between both worlds as he won't leave is body due to grieving for his family. A raging fire and sorrow carries within him, He does not decay and he does not eat. He is a cycle of loss, Justice and rebirth.
Another example in this piece is the mistreatment on Indigenous people, Especially by religious churches and the people in them. To me, Opinions do not matter to me about this statements because it is a FACT my ancestors were brutalized, Tortured, murdered and then their children put into boarding schools with their hair shaved and their tongue's cut if spoke in their language for religion.They punished our people over fearing what they do not know, And tried creating a controlled country to keep this sickening mindset in the name of God.I am aware people interpret this as against religion and people who are religious but that is far from it, These are facts. This is history, My people's history and we have a right to speak about it. We who walk the Red Road do not allow fear to control us, Or allow spite to get the better of us and do to other's what was done to us and is still being done to this day by our government.
We as a people do not judge and we do not punish other's for what they do not know, The Creator expects better of us and we believe in a sacred cycle.
But mistaking kindness for weakness does not benefit anyone, As no matter what you believe; A higher power will adjust a balance.

toltec nations

Toltec Nations unfortunately lost its description with its gallery due to deadlines and i didn't get the chance to save it. I can no longer find it either due to the gallery decided not to use the description due to it's length.The piece though, Was meant to shine a light on the mistreatment of Mexico and it's people. It was a subject at the time people were uncomfortable with stating migrants are NOT immigrants they are indigenous people who have migrated for thousands of years. It was my way of honoring them and they're incredible ancestral blood. I wanted to speak out about how their culture is just as used and profited off of as our tribes, Let alone labor.I did draw this in terms of mayan and toltec inspiration as at the time i was extra drawn to their beliefs and meanings while making my attempt to speak up for the people. I was younger and still quite shy, Stage fright especially so to this day i wish i had the ability to execute this piece and its meaning more but due to deadlines and being honored to gift this to a restaurant called Mezcalito; i'm very glad i illustrated this and spoke up at the time.


One of my earlier pieces, I was asked to draw a flyer design for a film festival that symbolized the importance of generations and continuing our ways as indigenous people let alone educating others on our First Nation People's.